Coral Hull: Testimony: Mackenzie Knight: Oppression: Jesus, ... You Are My Lord And Saviour!

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The Pentacostal Christians To The Rescue - "We Can't Annoint Her!"


The first thing I had felt after the assault was simple shock and disbelief. The shock setting in seemed to enable me to accept the situation, but from a distance, as if I knew that ... if the 'reality' of it became any closer, that my sanity and abilty to humanly cope with the situation would be at risk. The fact that I then proceeded to relate to him, as if he was a disgruntled lover, only went to show the extent of the oppression I was under at the time. So I was guilty guilty guilty of what I might have done to make him hate me so much? It was ancient malice, hatred unexpressed and unaccounted for, the malice of eons, stale, viscious, animalistic, and with a powerfully deranged mind, intelligent, cunning, knowing, focused and predatory.

It was the mind of a highly intelligent shape-shifting predator who was thousands of years old, that pried into my own spiritual eyes with wide open eyes, with the sole purpose of hypnosis. A spirit from the abyss who had somehow discovered everything about my mind and my life, that now served to penetrate and enhance every weakness within me, and who laughed and celebrated every pain and sorrow of my physicality, and who heckled and jeered and who dispised and misunderstood anything to do with love. While he feigned self pity and justifcation for revenge, he hated my species. He hated me because I was human. He wanted to murder my soul.

The Dragon Knew My Routine And Continued To Leave Me Little Signs, Anywhere I Went.

I had woken up from the slow whirlpool seduction with a sharp jolt. Yet I would have been alot more afraid, if he had been a big strong well built man. But knowing that he was part man, cat and bat ... I was now wide awake. He had blown it. He had blown his cover big time. In his outrage, that I had taken control over my own hormonal situation, he had seen an opportunity and had simply lost himself to the rage of the moment. He was a dominator and the fact that I had not submitted to him, but had taken control over my own body, enraged him. But if it wasn't that, it would have been something else, since everything about me enraged him. Sex for him was power and seduction a distraction. It was my soul that he wanted and he wanted it overrun, hunted down, and murdered, so that he could then go on ... to keep harming others. Nothing would extinguish that rage. It was an insatiable hatred that could never be burnt out or exhausted. It permeated every part of his being.

This resignation to my fate under his dominion began to wear off, particularly once I faced the fact that he was not alone, and that he and his friends would no doubt be coming back again the next night. Through the quagmire of conscious realisation imbued with his overidding will still impinging on my own, I just shook my head saying, "No way. This is just not going to happen!" It was to be the next step that I took, in order to begin to stand up for myself and what I believed was my right as a human being, not to be beaten and assaulted in my own bed. The fear of what could occur next time it happened, with their being a group, was also a good motivator.

Christians To The Rescue

Sun, 13th Sept, 2009. I got my head together and thought, this has gone on for long enough. I was attending the local Pentacostal Church [The Faith Centre] on and off since getting back from Scotland. The day after the assault I went again, despite my energy beginning to leave my body and my consciousness seemingly muddied and pulled in many directions. I remembered the conversation with Kim over lunch as we sat down in the restuarant bar at Cullen Bay. She had said, "You know you can take authority over these things under Jesus Christ." "Really," I said. I had no idea. Then Neville's wife, Rosie, [both from the church] said, that I could, 'put the blood of Jesus over my computer in order to protect it' which would stop them from sending me emails. "Oh, right," I replied. I didn't like the sound of that. Blood of the lamb? I was a vegan. Blood of Jesus? Why would anyone say that?! It was disgusting. I didn't want to wash my electronic equipment with the blood of Jesus or the blood of any lamb. It was the last thing that I wanted to do. When Rosie had said, "... we are a peculiar people", smiling and nodding, I had to agree. Nevertheless, the preaching at the church had caught my attention. I just wanted to hear what the pastors had to say.

As I entered the church my thoughts grew clouded once again and I began to focus on on things that I did not want to focus in on. It was obviously a habit, but it felt like an involuntary reaction. There was a picture of a lion roaring. Eveywhere I went, there was a large predatory cat. I thought, am I ever going to be able top get away from this? The service was interesting with Pastor Steve operating in stream of consciousness style that I followed with ease. After the service, when I was in the carpark, about to leave, I returned and saw a number plate with [MY BEAR] on it. It refered back to a synchronicity that occurred in Iona regarding the polar bear card.
RIGHT, I thought suddenly fed up. I AM SICK OF THIS SHIT. I AM FUCKING SICK AND TIRED OF IT. BEING BASHED IN MY BED. I'VE HAD IT. It's like my life is in a fucking fish bowl controlled by these GODS. THIS IS THE MATRIX - IT'S THE REAL DEAL. No wonder my 'guides' had me watch The Matrix Trilogy. These beings were angelic and existed outside the space time continuum, that we, as humans, are apparently unfairly locked into with these DEMONS who have more control over time, space and matter than we did! These were a few of my initial thoughts, as I first began to fight against a demonically induced meditative state, of receptivity and passivity.
Everywhere I Went, Paused Or Turned, There Would Be An Image Of A Large Predatory Cat.

I turned back to the church and in those few seconds I made a decision not to leave, but instead to go back in and to try and get some help for my situation. I walked towards the table where Pastor Sue was sitting with some other people, as there was a light that was flickering on an off overhead. Upon seeing that it was me, Pastor Sue jumped up and moved away as fast as she could. Then I saw her speaking to another lady as I sat beneath the light that was still flickering on and off overhead.

My Mind A Muddle Of Overlapping Thoughts, With Words On The PC, That Matched My Situation.

Three women moved over to me and positioned themselves around me, very lightly placing their hands on my arms and shoulders. One of the women was more dominant than the other two. She sat at my left hand side. She asked, "What is your name?" And just for a moment, I had to think. I couldn't believe that I actually hestiated, before I was able to say it. What was up with that? I did my best to keep holding my head in an upright position, but I remained unfocused. I mentioned my mother experiencing it. She responded, "You've got to protect yourself. Get your Bible out and read from JOHN every day. Even if you cannot feel it or don't believe it, DO IT."

I Struggled To Remain In Control Of My Mind, As The Dragon Attempted To Exert His Will, Over My Own.

I heard the three women begin to sing songs and to pray in unison. As they did I looked down, it felt like there were worms or leeches moving along beneath the skin along my arms and in my torso. They were black. I saw them. But I kept my mouth shut, as I knew that they couldn't be seeing them. This was accompanied by sharp pains throughout my body where they were writhing. Then it stopped. It was the singing that had disturbed them. Then the light overhead stopped flickering and came on bright and strong. "See", I said, knowing they were gone. "The light is back on." Then one of the women looked at the other two and said, "Should we get the oil?" Then the louder woman said in my left ear, "Do you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour?" I thought about it for a moment, but there was no response. In fact, I didn't ... and so I wasn't about to say it. I couldn't say anything, because when they asked me this question, I felt my lips tighten, so that no words could come out. And this seemed to put a quick stop to whatever it was that they were about to do.

"We Can't Annoint Her!"

"No, no .. hold it!" the woman to my right said to the others, raising her hand. "If she won't say it, we can't annoint her!" By now I was losing sight of the room. I was avalanched by silence. I was far far away. But the woman to my left wasn't giving up on me. "YOU TAKE THIS BIBLE AND YOU START READING AT JOHN," she appeared to yell through my being, so that some part of me had registered that this was serious, "AND DON'T YOU STOP!, ... DO YOU HEAR ME?!, DON'T YOU STOP! ..." The words crashed through my ear and into my brain. But it took a few seconds to respond, with my immediate surroundings fading in and out again. "Okay, I'll do it." So I accepted The Bible from her without further acknowledgment, or even a thank you. Sitting slumped with book in hand, I felt nothing, but I was going to do what she told me to.

Saved By His Love

Mon, 15th Sept, 2009. Early that morning, at around 2.30am, I felt Mackenzie & Co. coming towards my room again. It was the same presence, with the same force of mind behind it. I was alone and I had a feeling of dread that they were really going to hurt me this time. I opened The Bible that I was given and began to read John 1: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

At that moment I felt the slightest shift in the air about me. Was it ... hesitation? But I never raised my eyes from that book and I did not stop reading. "2: He was with God in the beginning. 3: Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4: In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind." As I read the words aloud, the room became icy cold at intervals and a million needles began to prick my skin, as though I was nothing but a human pin cushion. "5: The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."

The Holy Bible - Vincent Van Gough.

The tide of icy cold air crept forward and then backwards, towards me and then away, like waves of fog moving across a vast shoreline bordered by a starry night, moving forwards, only to recede again, my body covered by pricking needles. But I did not stop reading and as I continued to read, something unexpected happened.

Suddenly, through the words of John, and by what Jesus Himself, had said, I was reunited with the Jesus I had loved as a child. Without a single thought, I raised my hands above my head and with tears streaming down my face, I cried out to Him completely broken and in desperation, "JESUS, ... YOU ARE MY LORD AND SAVIOUR!"

The moment I uttered those words, Satan was obliged to release me. Angels of God moving in to comfort me. True holy angels of God whose job it is to minister, guide and protect, those who are rescued out of the world, to lead them to Jesus Christ through the words of The Holy Bible. Holy angels of God, and for a moment, in the time and space that my physical body occupied, and of which I remained totally unawareness at the time, Heaven was watching and holy angels of God rejoicing.


Forgiveness and Mercy - The Mission [This Is The Closest Thing I Could Find, To What It Felt Like, To Be Brought Out Of The Darkness Of Satan's False Light And Into The True Light Of Truth That Is Jesus Christ.]

This website is part of my personal testimony. It is guided by The Holy Spirit and written in Jesus' name.

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