Coral Hull: Testimony: Mackenzie Knight: Diabolical Attack: The Faith Centre [4]: The Engagement Ring

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The Dragon's Email Referred To Me As Miranda, From Picnic At Hanging Rock and to Mackenzie as Kullman.

Unbeknown's to myself at the time, The Dragon was very angry with me and sent me an email, that refered to me as the character of Miranda, from the Australian movie, Picnic At Hanging Rock, where a number of school girls, are set up to be a blood sacrifice, to a higher level 'nature' demon, who had made his abode at Hanging Rock, in the Victorian bush. He referred to Mackenzie [the demon] as Kullman [A Killer]. [Update 2017: While pride very likely prevented him, from saying it, he was reminding me, in his accusing way, of the ring he had given me.

The Dragon Lead Me To A Corresponding Sign, Once I Was In Glasgow, Scotland, That I Then Photographed.

A Picture Theatre Behind My Eyes

I had just finished reading a book loaned to me by Pastor Steve, called The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop, after which The Dragon & Co. attempted to project pictures onto my eyelids. When I closed my eyes and covered them my eyes with my hands to block out the light, he began to play a scene, of what appeared to be ancient Egypt, but it could have been an number of ancient civilisations. I saw a misty moving picture of what looked to be hundreds of people building pyramids, or large stone structures, from what must have been thousands of years ago. It would have been so easy, to just keep watching, so easy just to fall into my longing, to know, about all the things he knew and all that he was, which to me, was still hopelessly fascinating, until this horrible burden of murderous hatred was fixated on me. I said Jesus, until the picture dissipated and faded. I would not allow them, to use my eyelids as a movie screen. I was still hungry for knowledge, but I cried out, "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus," over and over again, until it dissipated.

In my journal I wrote the following: "... I closed my eyes and saw all these people building something. It was ancient and via telepathy I got told it was them building The Great Pyramid. I had just been reading on this in [The Two Babylons by Alexader Hissop. He knows everything I'm thinking, plus what will happen in the future and my past. Not always, but sometimes he does. He definitely knows my weakness for knowledge, because demons are very knowledgable. That's all they do. It is tempting to keep looking. He tempts me many ways and tries his many ways to possess my mind and attack my body. I can close my eyes and it's like the Casuarina Village Cinema. I can watch the movie, that he is placing before me, but the price will be my soul in the end ..."

Then, after weeks of psychic and physical attack and without any warning, he was suddenly nice to me. In my journal I wrote the following [modified]: "... It was more nerve wracking when he moved in on me [as in moved into the unit] and when he attempted to be nice to me. But his moods where quick to change and they moved in rapid succession, seemingly on a rotational basis. I had figured out back in Progress Drive, that this was all designed to exhaust me. Just when I got used to one thing ... he would do something else. His mind was fast and complex and full of ill intention. No doubt I bored him and he was later to refer to me as an ape. He was like an electric train, rushing around and around the same circular track and I was an electric person, standing in the middle of a swarm, as his cyclonic temperament circled me, he, like electricity, shaking me, so that it appeared, as if there was an electric humming, vibrating through my centre. It wasn't the attack that disturbed me, moreso, it was his alien consciousness, superior and intelligent, external to my own, a non-human, predatory consciousness, intent upon doing damage to [destroying] my own ..."

Engaged To The Enemy Of Christ

One night, during a Square One class, that was being run by the church, after hours, there came a sudden hopelessness that arose in me, about an evil, greater than I had ever thought existed. Waking up from Satan's matrix and in seeing who and what, I had been placing my trust in, was terrifying. It was something akin, to those ancient sailors, who followed the songs of the sirens to their deaths, thinking that they were in the arms of a beautiful woman, who had finally captured, not only their bodies, but every aspect of their minds and spirits, but upon waking up, too lste, to suddenly feel themselves holding bones, old drowned hair, matted into weak, decomposing skulls and faces, where the eye sockets glared, in a malicious foretelling of what they would become and that beneath the wreckage, that they lay adrift on, something predatory, dragged their ankles, down down down into the deep, pitiless and full of purpose and intent, as they began to fall, still entangled in love's desire, but dying hard and quick, before a scream of anguish could escape their lips, as they vanished without a trace, still holding fast, to a black anchor, thrown over the side, of a phantom ship. We had all been duped by the devil, the enemy of God. "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him." [Revelation 12:9, The Holy Bible, KJV].

It Was To Be Several Years Following This Incident, That I Realised The Ring, Was In The Shape Of An Eye.

The ring that had materialised in thin air, that had been given me and that I had cherished, as being from my guides, was from him. I was married to the devil and he was insisting that I was his. "No," I whimpered in fear, as I pulled off the ring and threw it through the tables and chairs, onto the floor, overwhelmed by an awful helplessness, that the small gift, that I had held so dear to my heart, was from the enemy of Jesus Christ. "What's wrong?!" The class was stopped for a moment, while I explained about the ring. I was told that I should dispose of it. But then [my programming] kicked in and I calmly went and retrieved what I had thrown away, placing it inside my bag. "Not here," I said. "I have to throw it into the ocean." Recognising the ritualistic nature of this, a tough and surly Christian guy, who was sitting beside me said, "Forget about the ocean. Just throw it in the bin." But I couldn't do it. [Update 2017: Shortly after that, the ring ended up disappearing and I have no recollection, as to when or how, it happened, only that I did not do, what The Dragon had wanted me to, by throwing it into the ocean.]

During this time, The Dragon, continually paid me out, regarding my visiting the tomb of George Mackenzie, while I had been in Edinburgh, Scotland, [Update 2017: The Dragon, being jealous, of my brief interaction with Mackenzie, that he had set up.] A young muslim guy, who has been renting one of the company's two units, in Aralia Street, saw my photos of Mackenzie and simply couldnt believe what he saw. "That is a jinn!" I asked him, "So, why did he come after me, do you think?" He answered, "He's in love with you." I responded, "... oh yeah, he's in love with me, ... in the way, that he wants to possess and murder and degrade my body, drag my consciousness to Hell and eat my energy." He smiled, "Yes, well, he may be single, or lonely and he will take your soul to Hell and in order to do so, he needs your body dead." I was to learn that muslims treated demons [or jinn], just like they did human beings and apparently, they were allowed to be legally 'married' to them.

Anything For Love, But I Won't Do That

[Update 2017: Satan's fallen angels know all the songs, because they are the muses, who assist human beings in writing them, hence the term MUSIC or MUSE-I[N]C. Muse incorprated, into your mind, spirit and personal reality. They give themselves the credit, while making the hopeful egotistical needy artist, believe that they are divinely IN-SPIRED, when inspiration is in reality IN-FILTRATION. The Dragon used this song titled, Ï Would Do Anything For Love," by Meatloaf to pay me out. I had never heard of it before. It suddenly came on the video, when I was on the treadmill/ isotrack machine at the gym. He was making out that this was Mackenzie and myself and at the time I could not believe, the imagery, that I was seeing, come to life on the screen in front of me. However, it was really about The Dragon in his Phantom Of The Opera persona. He had me purchase a very similar necklace/ pendant, to the one that the female abductee received, in this video clip, but mine had red and pink stone, because he liked red and ... I liked pink.

My Pendant [Left] And Her Pendant [Right]. Both Are Symbollic Representations Of A Fallen Angel.

My Woman Accepts The Gift From A Fallen Angel And Then Allows Herself To Be Lead/ Deceived By Him.

In the clip, the woman is seduced by a fallen angel and his demons inside a tomb that the womnan, as an abductee of the fallen angel, sees as an abandoned mansion. There was also the 'DO NOT CROSS' ribbon, as was seen in the Meatloaf film clip, that corresponds with the 'Sites Are Dangerous' sign, that I photographed in Edinburgh. Fallen angels like to reveal the risk involved, for humans who associate with them, while making it more exciting, so there can be no doubt in the minds of heaven and hell, that the victim has known the situation and has chosen to sucuumb to the temptation, regardless. Therefore, it becomes the victim's choice, under deception, before a holy God, who must allow this, under his own spiritual law. Satan knows exactly what he is doing and he does it well. The fallen angels way of representing the police force, in the Meatloaf clip and the Phantom Of The Opera musical, by Andrew Lloyd Webber, is that the invaders, [or those who uphold societal norms, without questioning, or rebellion], are meant to represent God's holy angels, [who have come to destroy the phantom's lair [castle, prison, lifestyle, UFO etc], where the abductee is being held captive, under deception/ mind control], when if fact the opposite is true, that being, that it is they who come to rescue people, from the devil's snare. Lastly, the Dracula type seduction of the woman, in amongst the sheets, during the abduction experience, is what fallen angels do. They are essentially, other than human/ deceiving spirits, who like to watch human beings, be swarmed by demons [incubus and succubus], who are capable of stimulating the human body, while the fallen angel, looks on, in-spiring the victim, with thoughts, or fantasies, that will cause him or her to sin against God. In this clip, the woman [abductee] asks the fallen angel [spirit], played by 'Meatloaf', "Will you cater to every fantasy I got? Will you cool me down with holy water, before I get too hot?" It very much reminds of what a giant black spider would do, to a fly on a web, just that being, rendering the victim almost completely helpless, or in sensual stupor, just moments before the consumption.]

A Lost Humanity, Chooses To Perish, Under Deception

In my journal I wrote the following: "... The majority of humanity would be lost. No one had seen it coming and by the time they did, it was too late. It was death. Physical death to be sure. But it was more than that. I felt that it was not only my mind, that he would have assisted me in destroying, in order that I enter his world as spirit, but it was my very soul, that was now at risk of being destroyed. A complete death of consciousness, a 'soul death'. It was indeed the very end, that he had spoken of and my ego, my self, my memories and my learning, the sum of all I had been and of all I had yet to become, cried out against this monster. It was murder and I had never felt a fear so terrifying and pure, as to what I felt as he dragged me towards this swirling abyss, "Welcome my god friend, welcome to our world." Whatever world this was, it was not fit for human beings. Just as I had suspected, back at The Arthur Findlay College, no human being could survive here. These were predators, spiritual predators, whose prtimasry desire was to capture, to torture and murder our spirits. My greatest fear. was that he would somehow materialise and get me that way ..."

"... Yes, Satan and his fallen legions, owned the internet as well as the mass media, the entertainment industry, psychology, philiosophy , medical industry, religions and any church or Christian who was not in Christ. So it easy was it, for him to enter the church that I attended, as well as the people who attended that church, to email me, to set up synchronicities, to access my consciousness and my five senses and to temporarily possess people, who went into The Faith Centre, as they fell onto the floor into trance states. But in so far as God and the kingdom of heaven was concerned, these rebellious minions of darkness were finished. The war had been won already, by Christ at Calvary. They were just sore losers, taking pot shots, at a deceived and sinful and lost humanity, who had rejected their creator, on the way to Hell. Unfortunately, they were very good at what they did and as a result, the majority of human beings, would be deceived into making wrong decisions, the fallen ones only revealing themselves, to the bewildered soul, once that spirit had departed the body ..."

I'd Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That) - Meatloaf

The Dragon Then Makes Sure, That I See His These Words, On My Computer Screen, While Surfing The Net.

This website is part of my personal testimony that has been guided by The Holy Spirit and written in Jesus' name.

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