Coral Hull: Testimony: Mackenzie Knight: Diabolical Attack: The Cull Of The Doll

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The Dragon [Who Had Been There Long Before Mackenzie & Co.] Refered To Me As His 'Pet Doll'.

The Dragon had told me, that both sides who were now 'pursuing me', were of the darkness, and that God's holy angels were of the darkness as well, so that there was no way out for me, in that I was helplessly running, from darkness to darkness. It was described as being like all different members of the one mafia. They were trying to wear me down with uncertainty, regarding my situation and my ability to stay alive, under protection. They were bigger and more intelligent than me and they had powers that I obviously didn't have or want. Yet I was still alive. What more could I do, than hold onto The Bible that the women from Kim's church had given me and hope for the best. [2014 Update: I still had no concept of prayer, fasting, faith or taking authority in Jesus Christ. I simply did what God's holy angels told me to do].

The 'Cull Of The Doll' synchronicities and mediumship occurred as follows:

'SAV4EVA' They were saving something for me. Eve is the primary self in our multiple system, untainted, taken by angels at birth, so that she would not enter the world. [Update 2013: The word [EVA] also relates to the words [HIDDEN VALLEY] shown to me twice in the 'Jesus Says' synchronicities. See Salvation section on 'EVA VALLEY'].

'Wicked' These rent-a-cars with 'Wicked' painted on them and the people who rented them, were utilised by The Dragon, as they began to pass me throughout the morning and were already parked, wherever I was about to park my car.

I was tired of being pursued in this way and I just wanted some relief, and so I dropped into the Catholic Church, just to sit there, on the way back to Nightcliff.

I was suprised to see that a service would be running in a short while and in a direct affirmation from The Holy Spirit, the service ended up being a reading of Psalm 91.

I noticed predatory birds inside circles wearing crowns in stained glass.

Suddenly a bird flew into the church through the open door, landing on the holy water bowl, and taking a good long drink, before swooping across the church pews. Then another bird came in from the other side, doing exactly the same thing, but from the opposite direction. It was like two birds knitting together a bow on a gift card. It was well timed and occurred directly in front of me. I didn't know how I felt about it.

Another image of a predatory bird inside a circle wearing a crown.

While I waited for the service, I got up from my seat up the back and walked across the spacious church towards the stained glass windows of Mary holding baby Jesus.

Frodo Puts On The Magic Ring And Faces One Of The Nazgual Kings In The Lord Of The Rings Movie.

I do not know how this happened, but suddenly I was no longer inside the church. Instead, I was standing in a grey no-man's land and directly before me were a pair of 25ft forms, that I understood as being angels, looking down upon me. I could only make out the body, shoulders and head of each one, but no other features. Despite what I had been told by The Dragon, I was being reassurred that there were two sides to the war, a side of light and a side of darkness, and that both sides were present before me. Then I was back in the church as if I had never left, with the memory of the incident temporarily wiped from my mind, until I remembered it a few days later.

I noted that Mary held a baby and that she was standing on the serpent and beneath the sun. It was similar to the image for The Woman of the Apocalypse in Revelation 12. This woman was to become a recurring image, as I was labelled by the demons as 'Black Mary'. [Update 2013: The image behind Mary reminds me of a powerful demonic spirit orb, (or a fallen angel as represented by the star), or sun worship.]

That night I drove to the airport to pick up my cat Pushkin, after I paid Pam Ahern from Edgar's Mission to return him to me. Pushkin was in terrible condition after being at Edgar's Mission and I silently kicked myself, for having trusted someone like Pam Ahern with him. Pushkin instantly recognised me and as I carried his box away from the terminal, I knew that I would never trust anyone with him again.

'Hellmann Worldwide Logistics' I noted the word 'Hellmann' on the building. I related this back to the 'Hell Man' message I received at The Royal Hotel in Cromarty, Scotland, when Mackenzie had started stalking me from Edinburgh.

The by now familiar representation of 'claw marks' painted onto the side of a van.

I decided to drop into Marie's, but when I got there all the lights were off and a male friends of hers, named Edric, was standing in the driveway. Edric did not like me, but we ended up talking for a while and I gave him a lift to the service station.

'THE CULL OF THE DOLL' As you can see, the t-shirt actually says, 'THE CULT OF THE DOLLAR', but the way in which Edric was standing, when I first approached him, and while still under demonic influence, I saw: THE CULL OF THE DOLL.

White van and the landcruiser with demonic spirit orb, parked outside Marie's house, where I met Edric at the gate. There were other orbs present, because my skin was still being pricked on and off, but they were not visible ro the naked eye.

'Genie' [Genie, Djinn, Demon]. Self explainatory. I realised very early on in my walk with Jesus, that it was best to call them demons, since many definitions under the term Djinn or Jinn were inaccurate, being part of the Muslim demonic deception.

'Vortex' [Update 2013: This relates back to Mackenzie arriving in a black vortex as can be seen in the 'Anthem For The Girl That Got Away' section. I was being told that his arrival, either creates, or occurs, in an energy/ spiritual vortex.]

'WARNING'. Yes, but the continuing threats of murder were beginning to wear thin. Two dates set for my supposed demise had now passed. I said to the local demons, "you said you were going to kill me last week." I shrugged. ... Nothing happened.

Psalm 91 - God Made Sure That This Psalm Followed Me Everywhere. I Also Lived At 91 Progress Drive.

This website is part of my personal testimony and has been guided by The Holy Spirit and written in Jesus' name.

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