Coral Hull: Testimony: Mackenzie Knight: Diabolical Attack: Diabolis [4]: We Will Call You Back

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I Believe That There Was More Than One Of Satan's Fallen Angels, Watching Over My Moon River.

After coming out from The Faith Centre [C3 Church] one evening, I stopped by the Nightcliff Woolworths, picking up a few groceries, on my way home, when a song came on with the word similar to, "I'm your angel" as the chorus, so that it played over and over again. I knew it was them [The Dragon & Co.], but this had happened in the past, with 'them' deliberately manipulating sound or video systems wherever I went, in order to communicate with and/ or harrass me. So now, in knowing what was going on, I was able to ignore it to the extent where it did not have an emotional affect on me, since I knew that my reaction was being closely observed. I continued to shop as it played. Then, as I was placing items in my shopping basket, I started to get the oddest feeling come over me. This feeling grew inside me, to an intensity where it began to affect my thinking ... It was an extreme yearning or a longing, combined with a childlike helplessness, that I was about to do something against my will. It was a feeling of being powerless to resist an outgoing wave, as it sucked the sand around my ankles, threatening to topple me and to sweep me off my feet, on its way out to a deep blue formidable sea. I began to flounder emotionally, having no idea how to counteract this force of will upon my own. Yet I struggled to resist it.

An Attack On My Will As Power Display

But this took all my concentration and I couldn't hold my own. Suddenly, I had to get back there, to Scotland, to Edinburgh, to Greyfriars Kirkyard, to where Mackenzie was waiting. Feelings of panic, that something non-human and predatory was attempting to enforce its will over my own, then, feelings of guilt, like I wanted what I did not want and that it was a dirty secret, to be finally followed by feelings of confused desperation, that I would never get back there and that everything that I had ever longed for, was what I had left behind. I had thoughts of calling Kim [from the church] and telling her to lock me in a room and tie me to a chair or something, so that I couldn't get out. I was desperate to stop and desperate to leave at the same time. God's holy angels knew this, as they knew all that was going on in my mind.

The Dragon Sent An Email Boasting Of Their Intentions, Shortly Before The Attack In Nightcliff Woolworths.

The feeling was so overwhelming, that it was tortuous to think, that I could not get back there. It was all encompassing, desperate, overpowering, almost irresistable. Again that feeling, of something large and gravitational, pulling me towards itself and myself, as helpless and bound for death. In my mind, I saw this as a unison or fusion, a coming together of opposites, but the reality of the situation was, that one meant the obliteration of the other and it was myself who had everything to lose. But I would not give in to it. The Dragon then mocked Mackenzie's desperate and deranged attempt to 'muscle in' our our long term relationship, remarking that:


There was the awful feeling, that I might actually disappear, get on a plane and go ... This was as powerful as the strange agony, that I was never going to go. Then the shame, that if I did go ... I would slip away in secret and betray the people who had prayed for me and ... betray God Himself, where there could be no secret.

I whispered, "I am sorry God. I am so sorry for even having these feelings. I love you and I'm going to work through this." [Update 2014: This was The Dragon, posing as the demon Mackenzie. At the time I was unable to discern who was who, only that this powerful predatory force was after me, which I had incorrectly assumed was just Mackenzie, whom The Dragon had refered to as 'one of his own'.] I had only just opened The Bible. I did not understand that my life was in God's hands. Aside from the presence of His holy angels, who had reassured me, that I was under TOTAL CARE, it was just all too big and I still felt like I was alone and in serious danger. But now there was a second fear inside me, that I was going to sucumb to this calling and be swept away from God to my death. So I stopped and spoke out loud to God. "I am not going. I am so sorry for having these feelings. Please, please help me. Help me. I am not strong enough to do this on my own." The intense feelings had abated, by the time I got to the checkout, but the headline on the latest magazine, was already waiting for me, with another [typically vain and sardonic] message, from The Dragon:

The Dragon Wanted Me Physically Dead. I Still Did Not Understand, That My Life Was In God's Hands.

I wrote the following in my journal: "... saying these words out loud, no matter what I was feeling, affirmed my relationship with God. An improvement on this for me, would to be to think of Jesus Christ and of leaving him behind. Next time I will do that, because who could ever leave Jesus behind? I felt like my consciousness being manipulated ... hynostised and that I would have to ask someone to tie me up, so that I couldn't sucumb to this pull. It was like the pull of the moon for the wild, the pull of nature to the faery, the demonic energy working inside me going into a frenzie of desire, that affected by entire being and yet where it mainly came into play, was within my consciousness or my soul. This was the magnet, the attractor, the lure and it worked through my daimonic consciousness and them calling back into that reality, that was really the Biblical reality of the demon, where the ultimate conclusion was soul obliteration, annihilation, destruction, entrophy or the opposite of heaven and what I was created to achieve, as God's servant ..."

Then I heard a voice, not audible to my hearing, but strongly telepathic, ask me, What would be the final outcome of going back? I immediately knew that I was being asked to follow this pull on my spirit, through to its conclusion. So I gave in to the pull in my mind for a moment, knowing that I was being safely held. This allowed my thinking to take me back to the tomb of George Mackenzie, at Greyfriars Kirkyard in Edinburgh, Scotland, whereupon, I went there alone, at night and lay on the slab of concrete and offered my spirit up, as a living sacrifice, to whatever [creepy monster] it was, that had called me back ... NO WAY, WOULD I BE DOING THAT! I did not know where any of this 'weirdness' was coming from, but following the magnetism or pull of consciousness, through to its final outcome, had broken its hold over my mind.

The Dragon Preached A Sacred Earth, But He Wanted Me Physically Dead, In Order To Claim My Spirit In Hell.

God won out and I remained in my right mind after the feeling wore off, never to return. I was later to discover that I was programmed to be a sacrifice, so it was fighting against mind control, as that program, belonging to those particular selves [Sophie/ Daniel], was triggered. In the weeks to come, I would look at the Greyfriars Kirkyard photos and wonder how at one point, the ugly distasteful images, had been so attractive, provoking in me, a desire to surrender my soul, to a siren of the cemetery, since what called me was as deranged, as The Dragon was intelligent.

The Dragon and his demon hoardes sang me a thousand lullabies, proclaiming the earth to be sacred, spiritual and holy. It was as though they were both within me and without me, and that the very mind of him, surrounded me, like some strange otherwordly ship that I had boarded, within his hologram of reality, moving me ever closer towards my fate, where it no longer mattered if I struggled, or if I struggled not. I did struggle ... I resisted him in my mind. But I waivered and it would take another outside influence, that I now refer to as 'divine intervention', to keep waking me up, over and over again. At first I was largely unaware, that God's holy angels had been sent to fight for my release and recovery. For a while my consciousness pulled and tugged for a way out, but I had, nonetheless, grown exquisitely and increasingly sleepy under this earthly spell, under the gagantuan magnetism of The Dragon, in the only world that I had ever deeply known. Or, that I had been allowed to know ...

I Remained Largely Unaware, That God's Holy Angels, Had Been Sent, To Fight For My Release And Recovery.

This website is part of my personal testimony that has been guided by The Holy Spirit and written in Jesus' name.

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