Coral Hull: Testimony: Fallen Angels Exposed: The Dyatlov Pass Incident: Dyatlov Pass Killers [5]: Russian Yeti The Killer Lives Deception

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On 1st June, 2014, The Discovery Channel aired a program titled, 'Russian Yeti: The Killer Lives' that explored the cryptozoology theory that the Dyatlov group, was killed by a Russian yeti. The programmers insinuated that the group became more and more nervous as the trip progressed, taking more and more photos of 'the forest', until finally, the Russian yeti suddenly emerged from behind the trees, in order to be photographed. After which, the 'yeti' in the photograph, murdered all the group members. This photographic evidence, was mixed in with the quest to find physical evidence of the yeti, pushing the agenda, that the yeti is a flesh and blood animal.

The truth is that the photo was not of a Russian yeti. It was of a Russian hiker, by the name of Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolles and was a last photo in a short sequence of self portraits, that he appears to have taken on a tripod, with a self timer, or with the assistance of another group member, most likely Yuri Krivonischenko, since the two of them, were involved in swapping cameras, in order to take photos of each other. The short sequence of self portraits, begins with a photo of Nikolai, on his back.

Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolles [Tibo], was obviously someone who liked to be in front of the camera and to have a bit of fun fooling around. This was evident by the amount of times he appeared in photos and/ or set up other group members to be in photos, during the early stages of the hike. Having a member like this, would be a stress reliever and might have assisted the group, in bonding and putting a situation in perspective, in challanging conditions, that excusions into the wilderness, would often entail. In this series of photos, Nikolai [Tibo] takes advantage of a rest stop for the group and sets his camera up on a tripod, with a self timer, in order to shoot some "silly" and "creative" shots of himself. In this photo, he falls into the snow.

Nikolai [Tibo] attempts to shift position in the snow, but only digs himself deeper in, as the next shot is fired. Perhaps Yuri Krivonischenko stood behind the tripod, but the intimacy of the poses, either seems to suggest that Nikolai was very comfortable, in front of Yuri Krivonischenko, or that he was taking the series of photos of himself.

Again, this is either of Nikolai taking a photo of himself with a self timer, with a piece of ice in his mouth, or there is another group member, taking his own photo.

In this photo, Nikolai has gotten up out of the snow and is walking away from the camera on the tripod. He bends lower and looks back behind himself, to make sure that he fits his entire body [and smiling face], into the frame. Nikolai has started to move away, from the tripod and may be going off to relieve himself, as nature calls.

In the final photo in this series, Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolles re-emerges, a short distance away, from behind some trees, in order to make his way back, to the group and the camera, on the tripod. One of the group members, most likely Yuri Krivonischenko, snaps a photo of him on the way back. You can see his tracks, that begin in the foreground of the photo and lead to where he was heading towards the trees in the snow. Note the light coloured coat and darker pants worn by Nikolai, shows up in the long distance shot. So did the "Russian yeti" borrow Tibo's clothes?

I also ask that the reader, look at the shape of the hood, of the outerwear worn by Nikolai. You will see that the hood forms into an angular shape at the top, where the seams hold the two halves together and also that the hood, connects to the jacket at the neck, giving the appearance that Nikolai has no neck. Lastly, that his face, which is shadowed by and/ or inside the protective hood, is a darker shade than the outerwear, that in not being shadowed, is lit by the reflection of daylight and snow.

Here is another example of ski shoe tracks, that the Dyatlov group left in the snow, along a river bed, so they can be compared to the tracks that Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolles, left in the snow, on his way to relieve himself, behind some fir trees.

"It's No Lie ... It's No Lie ... Huggin' Up The Big Monkey Man ..."

Question: Why did The Discovery channel engage in this obvious deception? Answer: They deceived the public, because they were instructed to do so. Satan and his fallen angel have been given jurisdiction over this world. Jesus refered to Satan as 'the 'prince' of this world'. “Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me.” [John 14.30,The Holy Bible, KJV] They have also been given permission, to continue to deceive human beings, during this brief period of earthly rule. John said that "And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness." [1 John 5.19,The Holy Bible, KJV] So long as Discovery channel is under the influence and direction of fallen angels, they will promote 'Yeti' being an animal and the supernatural aspect, will be conveniently ignored. While I believe that a demonic entity, in the form of a man hating 'Bigfoot' or 'Yeti', was involved in the Dyatlov murders, to focus on a 'Yeti' alone, as a physical flesh and blood animal, that kills people, such as as polar bear, or a lion might, distracts from the supernatural aspect of the creature and leads the public away, from the real perpetrators of the murders, who are fallen angels in orb form, posing as fake UFOs. It may also allow the fallen angels, to seek permission, before God, to allow killings and abductions to continue. ie; it was no different to a wild animal doing it, when in fact, it is not the same, since when the entities are supernatural in nature, we, as Christians, can take authority over them, in the name of Jesus.

Satan and his legions of fallen angels and demons, are in a spiritual war with Jesus Christ and the holy angels of God, over the minds and souls of human beings, in a deceived and perishing world, that is about to become more physical in nature. Like any war, it involves brutal, bloody murder and alongside it, its own form of war time propaganda, in order to program the deceived public, away from the truth of Jesus Christ and God's Word, as it is written, in The Holy Bible. As the Dyatlov mystery, becomes more known worldwide, it became increasingly important, for the fallen angels, to steer people's minds in the right direction, in regards to this mystery, that direction, being away from themselves and onto a made-up story [both scary and silly], about a 'Russian Yeti', to be both believed and then dismissed simultaneously.

Monkey Man - The Specials

This website is part of my personal testimony and has been guided by The Holy Spirit and written in Jesus' name.

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